Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Plans & Purpose

" 'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord. 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call up on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.' " Jeremiah 29:11-13

Well, it's been a month since my last blog entry (the date says Mar. 17 because that's when I first started it...) Clearly, it too me much longer than I intended to get it completed but, that's life sometimes. :-)

So, I left off saying I'd talk about my spiritual journey during the past 2 years. When I was diagnosed with breast cancer, I was scared but, I still knew that my life... every moment of it, every breath of it, was counted by my Creator. I knew that I could run to my heavenly Father for solace & comfort. Was I good at doing that up to that point in my life, sadly, no. But, facing my mortality definitely did that for me. I knew that instantly a multitude of prayers were being said for me and that God was listening.

As I walked through the months of surgery & chemo, I spent a lot of time reading, praying and getting wise counsel about what my purpose in life really was. What was my "divine" calling? What did God want for my life? I know that God has given us the ultimate gift of free will, but, He still has a unique purpose and path for each of us, I desperately wanted to know mine.

I knew that my life's purpose would be working with and (hopefully) inspiring people. It would be helping people to achieve a better understanding of others and relationships. I also believed that my love of public speaking, team building, and mentoring would also be a part of this plan.

I reconnected with a Rick from MGI who I'd taken training from in 2002. I had long believed it was the best training experience I'd ever had and it was useful both professionally & personally from the moment you leave the training; at the time when we reconnected during my chemo, I had no idea how or if MGI would fit into my future.

In February 2008, just before I went back to work, I was invited by a church in Edmonton to speak to a group of about 100 girls aged 11-17 about my experience with cancer, self-esteem & beauty. It was an incredible honour and blessing to me. God used the opportunity to show me that my dreams were possible. However, when I got back to work in March of 2008, after months of hoping for a divine epiphany, I was a little bit frustrated but still intent on discovering what my future direction would be. A few months later, I was invited to lead a workshop at a Women's conference; yet another small nudge.

To make a long story short, through much prayer, discussion and self-discovery, I realized that I really did want to pursue team building, facilitation, leadership development and speaking. Over the months, Rick & I had stayed in touch and over the months that followed, I had the opportunity to work a bit with Rick & Ryan (his son & business partner). Again, confirmation that it was something that was a fit for me and I truly loved it. So, December 31, 2009 was my last official day with Long View Systems after over 6 great years. Leaving was bittersweet for me because Long View really was so good to me but, I was excited to be going to follow my dreams.

Since January 2009, I've been contracting full-time with MGI. I really enjoy working with Rick & Ryan; we have a great rapport and balance each other nicely. It has been a true blessing to my family that I now stay home until the kids are off to school and get home around 3:30pm. Rick has been in business 25 years and believes strongly in putting family & health first. I've had great opportunities with MGI and a few outside of MGI, too. I've learned so much and God keeps showing me that He has wonderful things in store for me and my family.

Another area that is moving forward is the class for teen girls on self-esteem, etc. When I was a teen, my mom arranged for a class in Camrose and my sister and I attended; it was such a great influence in my life and with 3 daughters, I've wanted to do a similar thing for teen girls. Over a year ago, I shared this vision with my friend, Janelle, and we've had many discussions about it. Well, April 19/09 will be the kick off of our inaugural class. We have several wonderful women helping us out and we are basing it around curriculum by Dr. Katie Brazelton & Shelley Leith called "Head-to-Soul Makeover". It is a 10 week class focused on character and based around current TV reality shows. We pray it will be a blessing for these girls.

During my search for the curriculum (we'd been told about it by one of the ladies helping out), I came upon Life Purpose Coaching Centers International founded by Dr. Katie Brazelton. I felt a nudging to look into what they offered as curriculum. Within a week, I found myself registered for a coaching course starting April 2 and being taught by Dr. B. herself!!! It only gave me about 2 weeks before the course began. As a part of the course, I had to hire a coach which has been a great blessing for me. Dr. Hopelyn Brown is fantastic and I'm learning so much. Through LPCCI, there are several levels of courses I can take and, I'm thinking I probably will eventually. I wasn't really looking for this but, God surprises us sometimes with just what we need to take the next step.

I don't know what else is in store for me and sometimes I'm plagued with self-doubt and worry BUT, thanks to wise counsel, I'm learning to be watch & listen for confirmations that I'm moving in the right direction. I'm learning to step out boldly to embrace the gifts and talents God has given me. Is my path completely clear? No. But, little by little, bit by bit, it is being revealed and I'm learning to revel in the journey.

What little surprises are out there waiting for you? What is your unique purpose in life?

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