Monday, January 4, 2010

HAPPY 2010!

I've been terribly negligent at updating my blog the past couple of months but there has been so much going on. I travelled a lot for work through October, November & December; no place exotic, just Vancouver and Calgary but it still kept me busy.

I feel so incredibly blessed and overwhelmed by what is coming for the first part of 2010. Again, I'll be working a lot and gone a lot so I'm asking for your prayers for my family as we trudge through a hectic time of year for us. Perhaps one of the most exciting things coming up for me is a Women's mission trip to Zambia in late February! Sherwin & I prayed about this a great deal and feel very strongly that it is something I am supposed to do. Missions is something I have always wanted to experience but the opportunities never seemed right; this one feels right. I'm so excited to be travelling with a great group of women and having the opportunity to help women and children in Zambia. Stay posted for more information as it unfolds...

This Christmas was the first one in 3 years that I haven't been recovering from treatments or surgery so it was a welcome change. My family and I feel so blessed. However, I've learned that some friends of mine are not in the same situation. My friend's husband has been battling Brain Cancer for many years, mostly, it seemed to be at bay but the past year & a half have been difficult for them. Things looked good a couple of months ago but have gotten worse the past few weeks. They are a young couple with a 4 year old son; please keep them in your prayers. Another friend & mentor who was diagnosed with Breast Cancer in Nov. 08 and chose alternative therapies beyond a successful Lumpectomy. In correspondence early this fall, she was doing well and feeling strong; however, the cancer is back and seems to be quite aggressive. She is now tackling an intensive chemo protocol. Please keep her in your prayers also.

While these situations bring my own cancer to the forefront of my thoughts, I know who holds my days and I will not let the fear of a recurrence rule my life. I will continue to thank God for each day and for the wonderful family & friends I have around me.

God Bless you in 2010!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tammy, I found your post very inspiring today. I too am a breast cancer survivor looking to the future on a journey to finding purpose and passion in my life. Good luck with your plans for 2010 x


California trip

California trip
A group of my "rocks"